SQL language reference

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SQL Support

Sneller SQL is a flavor of SQL that is generally compatible with standard SQL, with modifications to allow it to efficiently execute queries over hierarchical data without a schema.

Sneller SQL queries are written in ordinary UTF8-encoded text. These query text strings are typically sent as HTTP request bodies or URL-encoded query strings.

Sneller SQL only supports part of the “DQL” portion of standard SQL (i.e. SELECT-FROM-WHERE statements, etc.). Sneller does not currently use SQL to perform database insert/update operations, although we may support those at some point in the future.

Sneller SQL extends the concept of SQL “rows” and “columns” to “records” and “values” In other words, each “row” of data is a record of values, and records themselves are also values. A “table” is an un-ordered collection of records.

Instead of projecting “columns,” a Sneller SQL query projects record fields.

For example, the query

SELECT 1 AS x, 2 AS y, (SELECT 'z' AS z, NULL AS bar) AS sub

evaluates to

{"x": 1, "y": 2, "sub": {"z": "z", "bar": null}}

Sneller SQL can handle tables that have records with wildly different schemas, as it does not assume that the result of a particular field selection must produce a particular datatype (or even any value at all).

Execution Model

Since Sneller is designed to run as a “hosted” multi-tenant product, the query engine and query planner are designed so that queries will execute within a (generous) fixed memory limit and a linear amount of time with respect to the size of the input. In other words, any query that is accepted by the query planner will touch each row of each table referenced in each individual FROM clause no more than once, and query operations that need to buffer rows (e.g. ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc.) will not buffer indefinitely.


Sneller SQL supports both quoted and un-quoted identifiers (i.e. foo and "foo"). Double-quotes are used to quote identifiers that would conflict with SQL keywords or would not otherwise be legal identifiers. (For example, "" is a valid identifier, but it is impossible to write that identifier without quoting.)

In general, users should prefer double-quoted identifiers, as SQL has a large number of keywords that conflict with commonly-used attribute names.

Core Types


By default, the arithmetic operators like + operate on IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point numbers. When tables are created from parsing text formats like JSON, any numbers that have non-zero fractional components (or cannot fit in the native integer representation) are implicitly converted to double-precision floats.


Numbers without fractional decimal components are stored and operated upon as 64-bit signed integers. Integers are implicitly converted to double-precision floats when an operation would intermix numbers of different types.


Internally, strings are UTF8-encoded. Functions and operators that operate on strings are UTF8-aware.


Sneller SQL supports native operations on timestamps with microsecond-level precision.


Structures are a collection of name-and-value pairs like you would see in a JSON object. (Every row of data in a table is a structure object.)

Sneller SQL path expression like x.y.z can be used to navigate through nested structures.


The value NULL is its own atom distinct from the absence of a value. The only meaningful operations that can be performed with NULL are testing its presence with IS NULL and performing equality comparison with =.

Sneller SQL departs from ordinary SQL in that the value NULL compares equal to itself. In other words, NULL = NULL evaluates to TRUE rather than NULL as it would in a 100% SQL-conformant system. We chose to depart from the SQL standard here so that it would be possible to compare lists and structures with NULL fields using the = operator.


MISSING is the notation for the absence of a value. Since Sneller SQL has functions and operator that only operate on certain data-types, some operations may not return a meaningful result. For example, the result of the expression 3 + 'foo' is MISSING, since we cannot add the integer 3 to the string 'foo'. Similarly, the result of a path expression foo.bar where the value foo is not a structure (or foo is a structure without any field called bar) is also MISSING.

When projecting columns for output, the Sneller SQL engine will omit labels for columns that produce MISSING. In other words, an expression that evaluates to {'x': 'foo', 'y': MISSING} is output as {'x': 'foo'}.

As a general rule, functions and operators that receive arguments that are MISSING or are ill-typed will yield MISSING. An obvious exception to this rule is IS [NOT] MISSING, which can be used to detect whether a value is missing.


Lists are ordered sequences of any supported datatype. List elements can be dereferenced using indexing path expressions like tags[0].


Literal Strings

Literal strings are wrapped in the single-quote (') character. Literal strings are allowed to contain conventional ASCII escape sequences (\t\n\a\r\b\n\v\f, etc.), as well as the Unicode escape sequence forms \u0000 and \U00000000.

Literal Timestamps

Literal timestamps are enclosed in the back-tick (```) character and formatted in RFC3339 representation with microsecond precision, i.e. six decimal digits in the “seconds” component of the timestamp.

For example:


Literal Numbers

Literal numbers (integers and floating-point numbers) are written in decimal format. Floating-point numbers may have an exponent written in scientific notation (i.e. 1e20 or 1E-20).


The following EBNF grammar approximately describes the grammar that is accepted by the SQL parser.

query = cte_clause* sfw_query ;

identifier = raw_id | quoted_id ;

raw_id = letter { letter | number | '_' } ;
quoted_id = '"' { char } '"' ;

cte_clause = WITH identifier 'AS' '(' sfw_query ')' { ',' identifier 'AS' '(' sfw_query ')' } ;

binding_list = expr [ 'AS' identifier ] { ',' expr [ 'AS' identifier ] } ;

expression_list = expr { ',' expr } ;

sfw_query = 'SELECT' [ 'DISTINCT' ['ON' '(' expression_list ')'] ] ('*' | binding_list) [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ order_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] ;

from_clause = 'FROM' path_expr [ 'AS' identifier]  { (',' | 'JOIN') path_expr [ 'AS' identifier ] [ ON expr ]} ;

where_clause = 'WHERE' expr ;

group_by_clause = 'GROUP BY' binding_list ;

order_column = expr [('ASC' | 'DESC')] [('NULLS FIRST' | 'NULLS LAST')] ['AS' identifier] ;
order_by_clause = 'ORDER BY' order_column { ',' order_column } ;

limit_clause = 'LIMIT' integer ['OFFSET' integer];

path_expr = identifier { (('.' identifier) | ('[' integer ']')) } ;

integer = ... ; // decimal integer literal
float = ... ; // decimal floating-point literal
string = ''' (unescaped_char | escaped_char) ''' ;
timestamp = '`' rfc3339-timestamp '`' ; // See RFC3339
list = '[' expr { ', ' expr } ']' ;
structure = '{' string ':' expr { ',' string ':' expr } '}' ;

expr = compare_expr | arith_expr | in_expr | case_expr | like_expr |
       regex_expr | is_expr | not_expr | function_expr | subquery_expr |
       between_expr | path_expr |
       integer | string | float | timestamp;

subquery_expr = '(' sfw_query ')' ;
like_expr = expr ('LIKE' | '~~' | 'ILIKE' | '~~*') string ['ESCAPE' string] ;
regex_expr = expr ('SIMILAR TO' | '~' | '~*') string ;
compare_expr = expr ('<' | '<=' | '=' | '<>' | '>=' | '>') expr ;
is_expr = expr 'IS' [ 'NOT' ] ( 'NULL' | 'MISSING' | 'TRUE' | 'FALSE' ) ;
not_expr = ('!' | 'NOT') expr ;
in_expr = expr 'IN' ( subquery_expr | '(' { expr } ')' ) ;

// note: currently the bounds are restricted
// to paths and literal datums due to the shift-reduce
// conflict with ordinary AND
between_expr = expr BETWEEN expr AND expr ;

arith_expr = expr ('+' | '-' | '/' | '*' | '%') expr;

function_name = ... ; // see list of built-in functions
function_expr = function_name '(' arg { ',' args } ')' ;

case_expr = 'CASE' [ expr ] { 'WHEN' expr 'THEN' expr } [ 'ELSE' expr ] 'END' ;

General Limitations

JOIN restrictions

Currently, the Sneller SQL engine only supports “unnesting” CROSS JOINs and INNER JOINs. For INNER JOIN, the ON condition must be an equality expression (i.e. a = b). The right-hand-side of the INNER JOIN must evaluate to 10,000 or fewer rows after predicates (i.e. clauses in WHERE) have been applied.

For the best performance, we recommend that the expressions on both sides of the ON condition for an INNER JOIN evaluate to strings, numbers, or lists of strings and/or numbers, but not records.


The , operator in the FROM position can be used to CROSS JOIN all of the rows in a table with an array element that occurs in each row.

For example, if we have a table with the following rows:

{"array": [{"y": 3}, {"y": 4}], "x": "first"}
{"array": [{"y": 5}, {"y": 6}], "x": "second"}

Then the following query

select outer.x, inner.y
from table as outer, outer.array as inner

would produce

{"x": "first", "y": 3}
{"x": "first", "y": 4}
{"x": "second", "y": 5}
{"x": "second", "y": 6}
Correlated Sub-queries

A “correlated” sub-query is one that uses a binding from an outer query to determine the result of an inner query. Correlated sub-queries can be used to compute results that are similar to a traditional SQL “inner join.” The query engine will reject correlated sub-queries that cannot be optimized to run in linear time. (Also, please read the subsequent section on general restrictions applied to sub-queries.)

For example, if we have a table inner that looks like this:

{"x": "foo", "y": "first row"}
{"x": "bar", "y": "second row"}

and a table outer that looks like this:

{"z": "first outer", "x": "foo"}
{"z": "second outer", "x": "bar"}

Then the following query

SELECT z, (SELECT inner.y FROM inner AS inner WHERE inner.x = outer.z) AS y
FROM outer AS outer

would produce this result:

{"z": "first outer", "y": "first row"}
{"z": "second outer", "y": "second row"}

Subquery restrictions

Since the query engine implements sub-queries by buffering the intermediate query results, sub-queries are not allowed to have arbitrarily large result-sets.

The query planner will reject sub-queries that do not meet ONE of the following conditions:

  • The query has a LIMIT clause with a value of less than 10,000.
  • The query has a SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause.
  • The query is an aggregation with no corresponding GROUP BY clause (and thus has a result-set size of 1).

Additionally, the query execution engine will fail queries that produce too many intermediate results. (Currently this limit is 10,000 items.)

Correlated subqueries

Correlated sub-queries (sub-queries that refer to variable bindings defined in the outer query) are subject to additional restrictions. The query engine only supports correlated sub-queries that meet ALL of the following conditions:

  • The sub-query is equivalent to a comparator-based JOIN using only equality comparisons in the join predicate (also known as an equi-join).
  • The sub-query contains only one reference to a variable binding defined in the outer query.
  • The sub-query does not refer to the correlated variable binding in the SELECT clause.

Correlated sub-queries that do not meet the above conditions will be rejected by the query engine.

Ordering Restriction

The ORDER BY clause may not operate on an unlimited number of rows, as it would require that the query engine buffer an unlimited number of rows in order to sort them.

The query engine will reject an ORDER BY clause that occurs without at least one of the following:

  • A LIMIT clause of 10000 elements or fewer
  • A GROUP BY clause

Implicit Subquery Scalar Coercion

In order to maintain compatibility with standard SQL, the Sneller SQL query planner will automatically convert certain sub-queries into scalar results. However, sub-queries are also allowed to produce non-scalar results, since in general the result of any query can be represented as a list of structures.

The rules for scalar coercion are as follows:

  • If a sub-query occurs on either side of a binary infix operator (a comparison, an arithmetic operator, IS, etc.), then the result is coerced to a scalar. The query planner will return an error if the query has more than one column in its final projection or if the query could return more than 1 row. (In other words, queries that are converted to scalars should have either an explicit LIMIT 1 clause or an aggregation operation with no GROUP BY clause.)
  • If a sub-query occurs on the right-hand-side of an IN expression, the result of the query is coerced to a list. The query planner will return an error if the query projects more than one column.
  • If the sub-query has an explicit LIMIT 1 or is an aggregation with no GROUP BY clause, and the query produces one output column, the result is coerced to a scalar.
  • If the sub-query has one result row (see the previous bullet point) and the query produces more than one output column, then the result is coerced to a structure.
  • Otherwise, the result is kept as a list of structures.

Dedicated Time functions

Since the result of a Sneller SQL sub-expression can be any of the supported data-types, there are some limitations on the amount of overloading that certain operators can support.

For aggregating timestamp values, we have the built-in aggregation operations EARLIEST and LATEST, which perform the equivalent of MIN and MAX operations on timestamp values, respectively.

Grouping Types

If the grouping columns in a GROUP BY clause evaluate to structures (or lists of structures), the grouping may generate erroneous results for those buckets. (The query engine does not support comparing structures for equality across data blocks, so a single logical structure may result in more than one grouping bucket.)

Path Expressions

Path expressions are used to dereference sub-values of composite data-types like structures and lists. The . operator dereferences fields within structures, and the [index] operator indexes into lists. Currently only integer constants are permitted in indexing expressions.

For example, foo.bar[3] selects the field bar from the struct value foo and then indexes into the fourth list element of the field bar. If any of the intermediate steps in that operation can’t be performed (because foo is not a struct, or bar is not a list with at least four elements), then the result is MISSING.

Binding Precedence

The WITH, SELECT, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses can all create new variable bindings with the AS identifier syntax. Variable bindings are evaluated in left-to-right order within each clause, and variable bindings across clauses are evaluated beginning with WITH, followed by GROUP BY and SELECT, and then finally ORDER BY.

For example:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, count/100, group
FROM table
GROUP BY TRIM(name) AS group

The binding group produced in GROUP BY is used in SELECT rather than repeating TRIM(name), and the binding count produced in SELECT is used in ORDER BY rather than repeating COUNT(*). The count binding produced in the first part of SELECT is also used in the subsequent count/100 output column. Bindings can be used to avoid repeating complicated expressions in multiple places within the same query.


Composite Constructors

Structure Expressions

Sneller SQL supports structure literal expressions.

For example, the following query produces records with one fields called rec that is itself a record of two fields (x and y):

SELECT {'x': fields.x, 'y': z} AS rec
FROM table

In other words, the results of the query above might look like:

{"rec": {"x": 3, "y": "foo"}}
{"rec": {"x": 2, "y": "bar"}}

If a field in a structure expression evaluates to MISSING, then the field will be omitted from the structure representation.

List Expressions

Comma-separated expression wrapped in square brackets (i.e. [3, foo, bar]) are evaluated as lists.

For example, the following query produces a single field called lst that is a list:

SELECT [x, y] AS lst
FROM table

If a field within a list expression evaluates to MISSING, it will be omitted from the list.



As COUNT(*), returns an integer count of the total number of rows that reach the aggregation clause.

As COUNT(expr), returns an integer count of the total number of rows for which expr evaluates to a value that is not MISSING.

For example, the following two queries are equivalent:

FROM table
WHERE x > 3
FROM table


COUNT(DISTINCT expr) counts the number of distinct results produced by evaluating expr for each row.

Current limitations: COUNT(DISTINCT expr) is not allowed to occur inside a GROUP BY query.


MIN(expr) and MAX(expr) produce the largest and smallest numeric value, respectively, that reach the aggregation clause. If expr never evaluates to a numeric value, then these expressions yield NULL.


EARLIEST(expr) and LATEST(expr) produce the earliest and latest timestamp value, respectively, that reach that aggregation clause. Like MIN and MAX, these aggregations yield NULL when the aggregation expression never returns a timestamp value.


SUM(expr) accumulates the sum of expr for all of the rows that reach the aggregation expression. If expr never evaluates to a number, SUM(expr) yields NULL.


AVG(expr) accumulates the average of expr for all the rows that reach the aggregation expression. If expr never evaluates to a number, AVG(expr) yields NULL.


VARIANCE_POP(expr) accumulates the population variance of expr for all rows that reach the aggregation expression. VARIANCE is a shorthand for VARIANCE_POP. Note that the sample variance is not implemented. If expr does not evaluate to a number, VARIANCE(expr) yields NULL.


STDDEV_POP(expr) accumulates the population standard deviation of expr for all rows that reach the aggregation expression. STDDEV is a shorthand for STDDEV_POP. Note that the sample standard deviation (STDDEV_SAMP) is not implemented. If expr does not evaluate to a number, STDDEV(expr) yields NULL.


BIT_AND(expr) computes bitwise AND of all results produced by evaluating expr for each row. If expr never evaluates to a number, BIT_AND(expr) yields NULL.


BIT_OR(expr) computes bitwise OR of all results produced by evaluating expr for each row. If expr never evaluates to a number, BIT_OR(expr) yields NULL.


BIT_XOR(expr) computes bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of all results produced by evaluating expr for each row. If expr never evaluates to a number, BIT_XOR(expr) yields NULL.


BOOL_AND(expr) computes bitwise AND of all results produced by evaluating expr for each row coerced to a boolean type. If expr never evaluates to a boolean, BOOL_AND(expr) yields NULL.

EVERY(expr) is an alias of BOOL_AND(expr).


BOOL_OR(expr) computes bitwise OR of all results produced by evaluating expr for each row coerced to a boolean type. If expr never evaluates to a boolean, BOOL_OR(expr) yields NULL.


APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(expr) counts the approximate number of distinct results produced by evaluating expr for each row.

APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(expr, precision) allows to set the precision. The precision is given as number from 4 to 16. The default precision is 11.

The table below shows relative error for each precision value.

precision error
4 0.520
5 0.465
6 0.425
7 0.393
8 0.368
9 0.347
10 0.329
11 0.314
12 0.300
13 0.288
14 0.278
15 0.269
16 0.260

This aggregate is faster than COUNT(DISTINCT expr), and it does not have the same limitations regarding the cardinality of the input expression.


    COUNT(id) AS exact,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 4) AS approx4,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 5) AS approx5,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 6) AS approx6,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 7) AS approx7,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 8) AS approx8,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 9) AS approx9,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 10) AS approx10,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 11) AS approx11,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 12) AS approx12,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 13) AS approx13,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 14) AS approx14,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 15) AS approx15,
    APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(id, 16) AS approx16
FROM sample_input

The result for sample data:

    "exact"   : 150000,
    "approx4" : 305163, -- diff: 155163, relative error: 103.442%
    "approx5" : 221944, -- diff:  71944, relative error:  47.963%
    "approx6" : 191157, -- diff:  41157, relative error:  27.438%
    "approx7" : 168042, -- diff:  18042, relative error:  12.028%
    "approx8" : 166567, -- diff:  16567, relative error:  11.045%
    "approx9" : 161878, -- diff:  11878, relative error:   7.919%
    "approx10": 154556, -- diff:   4556, relative error:   3.037%
    "approx11": 154406, -- diff:   4406, relative error:   2.937%
    "approx12": 151081, -- diff:   1081, relative error:   0.721%
    "approx13": 149152, -- diff:    848, relative error:   0.565%
    "approx14": 149845, -- diff:    155, relative error:   0.103%
    "approx15": 149775, -- diff:    225, relative error:   0.150%
    "approx16": 149630  -- diff:    370, relative error:   0.247%


The ROW_NUMBER(), RANK() and DENSE_RANK() window functions can be used to produce an integer corresponding to the position of the row produced by SELECT over a particular ordering.

For example:

-- for each group, produce the group name and
-- the number of elements in the group, plus
-- the position of the row when the result-set is
-- sorted in ascending order by COUNT(*)
FROM table

ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and DENSE_RANK() only differ in terms of how they handle adjacent rows that are equivalent. ROW_NUMBER() always produces distinct integers. RANK() assigns the same result to equivalent rows and then skips the intermediate ordinal numbers after it has assigned the same result value to equivalent rows more than once. DENSE_RANK() assigns the same result to equivalent rows but does not skip intermediate ordinal numbers. For example, given the ordered sequence of strings 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c' for a column, the corresponding window function results would be 1, 2, 3, 4 for ROW_NUMBER(), 1, 2, 2, 4 for RANK(), and 1, 2, 2, 3 for DENSE_RANK().

These window functions must include an ORDER BY clause in the OVER clause in order to be meaningful. They may also include a PARTITION BY clause in order to apply the window over groups within the result-set rather than the entire result-set.

Current limitations: These window functions are only supported in SELECT-FROM-WHERE queries that employ a GROUP BY.


SNELLER_DATASHAPE(*) is an aggregate that collects unique fields present in a query and gathers their data types (see also the TYPE_BIT function).

The function returns a structure having the following fields:

  • total - the total number of rows fetched from the table;
  • fields - dictionary of fully qualified paths associated with type names; each type has the number of fields having given type;
  • error (optional) - error message when the number of fields is greater than the limit (10,000).


SELECT sneller_datashape(*) FROM employees

The result might be like this:

    "total": 1000
    "fields": {
        "name": {
            "string": 1000,
            "string-min-length": 3,
            "string-max-length": 15
        "surname": {
            "string": 1000,
            "string-min-length": 5,
            "string-max-length": 41
        "contract": {
            "bool": 1000
        "age": {
            "int": 900,
            "int-min-value": 21,
            "int-max-value": 69,
            "null": 100,
        "address": {
            "string": 51,
            "string-min-length": 24,
            "string-max-length": 119,
            "struct":  624
        "address.street" {
            "string": 624
        "address.number" {
            "int": 473,
            "null": 96,
            "string": 55
        "address.postcode" {
            "string": 591,
            "null": 89

There are following type names:

  • null,
  • bool,
  • int,
  • float,
  • decimal,
  • timestamp,
  • string,
  • list,
  • struct,
  • sexp,
  • clob,
  • blob,
  • annotation.

For string types there are also available min and max string lengths (keys “string-min-length” and “string-max-length”). For int and float there are available min and max values (keys “int-min-value”, “int-max-value”, “float-min-value” and “float-max-value”).

For list field, there’s an artificial child “$items” that presents a union of all values found in the given list.

Current limitations: the SNELLER_DATASHAPE aggregate can be the only one present in a query. Mixing it with other aggregates is not supported.


The APPROX_MEDIAN determines the approximate median of a set of values. The t-Digest algorithm (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665963820300403) is used for the approximation.

Aggregate function:


Window function (not implemented yet):

APPROX_MEDIAN( <expr> ) OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <expr> ] )

The expression must evaluate to a numeric data type (INTEGER, FLOAT, DECIMAL, or equivalent). Returns a FLOAT or DECIMAL (fixed-point) number, depending upon the input.


The APPROX_PERCENTILE returns an approximated value for the desired percentile

Aggregate function (not implemented yet):

APPROX_PERCENTILE( <expr> , <percentile> )

Window function:

APPROX_PERCENTILE( <expr> , <percentile> ) OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <expr> ] )

Filtered aggregates

All aggregate functions accept an optional filter clause, which causes an aggregate to consume only the rows matching the given condition. Note that such conditions are applied after filtering rows with the main WHERE clause.

The syntax of filter is:

aggregate FILTER (WHERE condition)


SELECT SUM(x) FILTER (WHERE x > 0) AS sum_positive,
       MIN(x) FILTER (WHERE x < 0) AS min_negative,
       COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE x = 0) AS zero_count
FROM table

See also Postgres Aggregate Expressions

Infix Operators

+, -, *, /, %

Conventional infix arithmetic operators yield a number from two input numbers. Arithmetic operators yield MISSING if one or more of the input values is not a number value.

&, |, ^, <<, >>, >>>

Bitwise operations yield an integer from two input integers or MISSING if one or more of the input values is not an integer.

  • x & y - bitwise AND of x and y
  • x | y - bitwise OR of x and y
  • x ^ y - bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of x and y
  • x << y - bitwise shift left of x by y, if y is greater than 63 the result becomes zero
  • x >> y - arithmetic shift right of x by y, shifting in the most significant bit (sign bit) of x
  • x >>> y - logical shift right of x by y, shifting in zeros

LIKE (~~) and ILIKE (~~*)

The LIKE operator matches a string value against a pattern. The pattern on the right-hand-side of LIKE must be a literal string. A LIKE expression pattern can include a set of pattern-patching metacharacters.

  • % denotes zero or more Unicode points.
  • _ denotes exactly one Unicode point.

Note that all other characters in the like expression match only themselves.

For example:

WHERE message_body LIKE '%foo%'

The query above will return all the records from table that have a string-typed message_body field that contains the sub-string 'foo'.

The metacharacters % and _ can be escaped by any Unicode character provided with the ESCAPE keyword. Any character preceded with the escape characters will only match itself. No default escape character is assumed, and the escape character cannot equal either metacharacter % and _. Note that the escape character will not be part of the matching string and only serves as a metacharacter in the like expression.

For example:

WHERE message_body LIKE '%100#%%' ESCAPE '#'

The query above will return all the records from table that have a string-typed message_body field that contains the sub-string 100%.

The ILIKE operator works identically to LIKE, except that individual character matches are case-insensitive. (Since Sneller SQL is Unicode-aware, characters are compared using Unicode “Simple Case Folding” rules.)


The SIMILAR TO operator matches a string value against a regular expression pattern. The pattern on the right-hand-side of SIMILAR TO must be a literal string. The expression pattern can include a set of pattern-matching metacharacters, including the two supported by the LIKE operator.

  • % denotes zero or more Unicode point.
  • _ denotes exactly one Unicode point.
  • | denotes alternation (either of two alternatives).
  • * denotes repetition of the previous item zero or more times.
  • + denotes repetition of the previous item one or more times.
  • ? denotes repetition of the previous item zero or one time.
  • {m} denotes repetition of the previous item exactly m times.
  • {m,} denotes repetition of the previous item m or more times.
  • {m,n} denotes repetition of the previous item at least m and not more than n times.
  • Parentheses () can be used to group items into a single logical item.
  • A bracket expression [] specifies a character class, just as in POSIX regular expressions.

Note that the period . is not a metacharacter for SIMILAR TO.

The pattern will match from the beginning of the string value until the end of the pattern.

For example:

WHERE message_body SIMILAR TO 'a{2,5}b|c'

The query above will match with sequence of 2 upto 5 ‘a’ characters followed by either an b or c. Any other characters before or after will that do not match the pattern will prevent a match. For example, the string value ‘xaaab’ does not match.

POSIX-Regex ~ and case-insensitive POSIX-Regex ~*

The POSIX-Regex ~ operator matches a string value against a POSIX-regex pattern. A non-exhaustive list of metacharacters:

  • . denotes exactly one Unicode point.
  • | denotes alternation (either of two alternatives).
  • * denotes repetition of the previous item zero or more times.
  • + denotes repetition of the previous item one or more times.
  • ? denotes repetition of the previous item zero or one time.
  • {m} denotes repetition of the previous item exactly m times.
  • {m,} denotes repetition of the previous item m or more times.
  • {m,n} denotes repetition of the previous item at least m and not more than n times.
  • ^ start-of-line anchor
  • $ end-of-line anchor

Note that the LIKE metacharacters % and _ are not metacharacters for ~ and ~*, but that the period . is.

The parsing of the regex pattern is handled by Go, and thus all features supported by the Go regex compiler are also supported by Sneller. A description of the Go regex syntax can be found in https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax.

Contrary to SIMILAR TO that matches from the beginning of a string, the POSIX regex will match starting from any position in the string. Stated differently, a POSIX regex has an implicit .* at the beginning of a pattern, while the SIMILAR TO has an implicit start-of-line anchor ^. Similar situation hold on how matching the end of the string is handled: the POSIX regex does not need to match the end of the string value while SIMILAR TO does. The POSIX regex has an implicit .% at the end of the pattern while SIMILAR TO an implicit end-of-line anchor $. The wildcards .* are thus redundant in regex pattern '.*Biden.*'

For example:

WHERE message_body ~ '(?i)biden[[:digit:]]'

The query above will match with any string that contains the case-insensitive string biden followed by one digit (0-9).

The case-insensitive POSIX-Regex ~* operator works identically to the POSIX-Regex ~, except that individual characters matches are case-insensitive.


The IN operator matches a value against a list of values.

For example:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE val IN (3, 'foo', NULL)

The query above returns all the rows in table for which the field val is the number 3, the string 'foo', or the value NULL.

The IN operator can also accept a sub-query that can be coerced to a list of scalars on the right-hand-side:

WITH top5_attrs AS (SELECT COUNT(*), attr
                    FROM table
                    GROUP BY attr
                    ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
                    LIMIT 5)
FROM table
WHERE attr IN (SELECT attr FROM top5_attrs)

The query above selects all the rows in table where the value attr is a member of the set of the top 5 most frequently occurring unique attr values in table.

Unary Operators

! or NOT

The NOT operator inverts booleans. In other words, NOT TRUE yields FALSE, and NOT FALSE yields TRUE. The NOT operator applied to non-boolean values yields MISSING.


IS is used to compare values to one of the atoms TRUE, FALSE, NULL, or MISSING.

Testing a value with expr IS MISSING is the idiomatic way of determining whether a value is MISSING.

For IS TRUE, IS FALSE, and IS NULL, the behavior of IS differs subtly from the = operator in that the expression always evaluates to a boolean, even if the left-hand-side of the operator is MISSING. In other words, MISSING IS FALSE yields FALSE, whereas MISSING = FALSE yields MISSING.



COALESCE accepts one or more expressions as arguments and yield the result of the first expression that is neither NULL nor MISSING. If none of the expressions produce a non-NULL value, then NULL is returned.



CASE evaluates a series of conditional expressions and returns the body following the first conditional expression evaluating to TRUE.

Each arm of a CASE expression has the general form WHEN condition THEN consequent, where condition and consequent are the conditional and consequent expressions to be evaluated, respectively.

A CASE expression may end with an ELSE clause to indicate the value to produce when none of the condition expressions evaluate to TRUE.

When no explicit ELSE clause is present in a CASE, an implicit ELSE MISSING is inserted.

Simplified CASE

CASE variant given in the following format:

CASE expr
    WHEN val1 THEN result1
    WHEN val2 THEN result2
    WHEN valN THEN resultN
    ELSE default    -- optional

A case expression evaluates to the k-th result when expr equals to k-th value. It is equivalent to a generic case:

    WHEN expr = val1 THEN result1
    WHEN expr = val2 THEN result2
    WHEN expr = valN THEN resultN
    ELSE default    -- optional

See Postgres Conditional Expressions


NULLIF(a, b) is exactly equivalent to CASE WHEN a = b THEN NULL ELSE a.

Bit Manipulation


BIT_COUNT(expr) returns the number of bits set of expr cast to a 64-bit signed integer, or MISSING if expr is not of numeric type.

Math Constants


PI() returns the value of π as a double precision floating point.

Math Functions


ABS(expr) returns the absolute value of the expression expr if expr evaluates to a number; otherwise, it returns MISSING.


CBRT(expr) computes the cube root of its argument expr.

NOTE: This function is more precise than POW(expr, 1.0 / 3.0).


EXP(expr) computes Euler’s number raised to the given power expr.


EXPM1(expr) computes Euler’s number raised to the given power expr - 1.


EXP2(expr) computes 2 raised to the given power expr.


EXP10(expr) computes 10 raised to the given power expr.


HYPOT(xExpr, yExpr) computes the square root of the sum of the squares of xExpr and yExpr.

NOTE: this functions is more precise than SQRT(xExpr * xExpr + yExpr * yExpr).


LN(expr) computes the natural logarithm of expr.


LN1P(expr) computes the natural logarithm of expr + 1.


LOG() function has two variants:

  • LOG(expr) computes the base-10 logarithm of expr
  • LOG(baseExpr, numExpr) computes baseExpr logarithm of numExpr

Compatibility notice: LOG(expr) (without a base) is a synonym of LOG10(expr). This is compatible with Postgres and SQLite, but incompatible with MySQL and others, which compute natural logarithm instead. We recommend the explicit use of either LN(expr) to compute the natural logarithm of expr or LOG10(expr) to compute the base-10 logarithm of expr.

In addition, some SQL dialects have the order of LOG(base, n) arguments reversed. For example SQL server uses LOG(n, base) instead. So always check the order of the arguments when porting an existing SQL code to Sneller.

NOTE: At the moment LOG(base, n) is equivalent to LOG2(n) / LOG2(base).


LOG2(expr) computes the base-2 logarithm of expr.


LOG10(expr) computes the base-10 logarithm of expr.


POW(baseExpr, expExpr) computes the value of baseExpr raised to the given power expExpr.

NOTE: POWER(baseExpr, expExpr) is a synonym of POW(baseExpr, expExpr).


SIGN(expr) returns -1 if expr evaluates to a negative number, 0 if expr evaluates to 0, 1 if expr evaluates to a positive number, and MISSING otherwise.


SQRT(expr) returns the square root of expr as long as expr evaluates to a number. Otherwise, SQRT(expr) evaluates to MISSING.

Trigonometric Functions


DEGREES(expr) converts radians in expr to degrees.

NOTE: at the moment the computation is equivalent to (expr) * (180.0 / PI()).


RADIANS(expr) converts degrees in expr to radians.

NOTE: at the moment the computation is equivalent to (expr) * (PI() / 180.0).


SIN(expr) computes sine of expr.


COS(expr) computes cosine of expr.


TAN(expr) computes tangent of expr.


ASIN(expr) computes arc-sine of expr.


ACOS(expr) computes arc-cosine of expr.


ATAN(expr) computes arc-tangent of expr.


ATAN2(yExpr, xExpr) computes the angle in the plane between the positive x-axis and the ray from (0, 0) to the point (xExpr, yExpr).

Rounding Functions


The ROUND(num) function rounds a number to the nearest integer. When num is exactly halfway between two integers, ROUND rounds to the largest-magnitude integer.


ROUND(42.4) -> 42
ROUND(42.8) -> 43
ROUND(-42.4) -> -42
ROUND(-42.8) -> -43

See Postgres Math Functions


The ROUND_EVEN(num) function rounds a number to the nearest integer, taking care to use the parity of the integer component of num to break ties when num is exactly halfway between two integers.

ROUND_EVEN(1.5) -> 2 -- note: same result as ROUND()
ROUND_EVEN(2.5) -> 2 -- note: ROUND(2.5) -> 3

See Postgres Math Functions


The TRUNC(num) function truncates a number to the next-lowest-magnitude integer.


TRUNC(42.4) -> 42
TRUNC(42.8) -> 42
TRUNC(-42.4) -> -42
TRUNC(-42.8) -> -42

See Postgres Math Functions


The FLOOR(num) function rounds a number down to the next integer less than or equal to num.


FLOOR(42.4) -> 42
FLOOR(42.8) -> 42
FLOOR(-42.4) -> -43
FLOOR(-43.8) -> -43

See Postgres Math Functions


The CEIL(num) function rounds a number to the next integer greater than or equal to num.


CEIL(42.4) -> 43
CEIL(42.8) -> 43
CEIL(-42.4) -> -42
CEIL(-42.8) -> -42

NOTE: CEILING(num) is a synonym of CEIL(num).

See Postgres Math Functions


The PMOD(x, y) function returns a positive remainder of x / y expression rounded down. When x is positive the result of the operation is equivalent to x % ABS(y), and when x is negative, the result is equivalent to (ABS(y) - (-x % ABS(y))) % ABS(y).


PMOD(4, 4) -> 0
PMOD(5, 4) -> 1
PMOD(7, 4) -> 3
PMOD(-7, 4) -> 1
PMOD(-7, 0) -> MISSING

NOTE: Division by zero yields MISSING.

GEO Functions


GEO_DISTANCE(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) calculates the distance between two latitude and longitude points and returns the result in meters. The result is an approximation that uses a Haversine formula, which determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere.

External Resources:


GEO_HASH(lat, long, num_chars) encodes a string representing a geo-hash of the latitude lat and longitude long having num_chars characters. Each GEO_HASH character encodes 5 bits of interleaved latitude and longitude. When the number of characters is even the count of latitude and longitude bits is the same; when it’s odd, latitude has one bit less than longitude.

GEO_HASH() is just a hash calculated from scaled latitude and longitude coordinates; it doesn’t project the coordinates in any way.

The num_chars parameter’s range is 1 to 12. Out of range parameters are automatically clamped to a valid range. For example GEO_HASH(a, b, 100) would produce the same result as GEO_HASH(a, b, 12).

Forwards compatibility notice: At the moment the maximum precision of GEO_HASH() is 12 characters, which represents 60 bits of interleaved latitude and longitude values. We may increase the range of num_chars in the future, so please always specify the precision and do not rely on parameter clamping.

External resources:


GEO_TILE_X(long, precision) and GEO_TILE_Y(lat, precision) functions calculate the corresponding X and Y tiles for the given lat, long coordinates and the specified precision. The precision is sometimes called zoom and specifies the number of bits.

The latitude and longitude coordinates are first projected by using Mercator function and then X and Y cell indexes are calculated by quantizing the projected coordinates into the given precision, which specifies the number of bits of each value. For example precision of 8 bits would produce values within a [0, 255] range.

The precision parameter will be clamped into a [0, 32] range, where 0 means 0 bits (both output tiles will be 0/0) and 32 means 32 bits for both X and Y, which describes a tile around 3x3 cm.

Forwards compatibility notice: At the moment the maximum precision of GEO_TILE_X() and GEO_TILE_Y() is 32 bits, which is slightly more than ElasticSearch, which limits the precision to 29 bits. We may increase the range of precision in the future, so please always specify the precision and do not rely on parameter clamping.

External resources:


GEO_TILE_ES(lat, long, precision) does the same projection as the GEO_TILE_X(long. precision) and GEO_TILE_Y(lat, precision) functions. The precision has the same restriction and the output X and Y coordinates are the same. What GEO_TILE_ES() does differently is the output encoding.

GEO_TILE_ES(lat, long, precision) encodes a string representing a cell of a map tile in a “precision/x/y” format, which is compatible with ElasticSearch geotile aggregation.

See GEO_TILE_X() and GEO_TILE_Y() functions for more details.

Built-in Functions


DATE_ADD(part, num, time) adds num of the unit part to the timestamp time.

part can be one of the following keywords:

  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR

See Presto Timestamp functions


DATE_BIN(stride, timestamp, origin) bins a timestamp into stride aligned with origin. DATE_BIN() is similar to TIME_BUCKET(), but it allows to customize the granularity via the stride parameter.

The stride parameter must be a string literal that is parsed as INTERVAL:

  • N microsecond or N microseconds
  • N millisecond or N milliseconds
  • N second or N seconds
  • N minute or N minutes
  • N hour or N hours
  • N day or N days

A valid interval can be also a combination of the above; for example 1 day 1 hour 30 minutes is a valid INTERVAL string.

NOTE: DATE_BIN() function doesn’t support months, years, and larger time parts, as they do not identify fixed-width time intervals.


DATE_DIFF(part, from, to) determines the difference between from and to in terms of the date interval part.

part can be one of the following keywords:

  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR

See Presto Timestamp functions


DATE_TRUNC(part, expr) truncates a timestamp to the specified precision.

part can be one of the following keywords:

  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • YEAR

DATE_TRUNC() returns a timestamp that contains only the components of the timestamp expr that are less precise than the precision given by part. In other words, DATE_TRUNC(SECOND, x) truncates the timestamp x down to the nearest second.

DATE_TRUNC() also allows to truncate a date to a particular day of week. Use DATE_TRUNC(WEEK(WEEKDAY)) to truncate a date to SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, or SATURDAY.

(It can be useful to use the result of a DATE_TRUNC() expression as a group value in GROUP BY in order to build a histogram with buckets corresponding to calendar dates.)


EXTRACT(part FROM expr) extracts part of a date from a timestamp.

part can be one of the following keywords:

  • MICROSECOND or MICROSECONDS (the result includes seconds)
  • MILLISECOND or MILLISECONDS (the result includes seconds)
  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • DOW (day of week in [0-6] range where 0 represents Sunday)
  • DOY (day of year in [1-366] range)
  • YEAR

EXTRACT yields the integer corresponding to the requested date part, or MISSING if expr does not evaluate to a timestamp.


UTCNOW() evaluates to the timestamp value representing the time at which the query was parsed.

(During query parsing, the UTCNOW() expression is simply replaced with a timestamp literal containing the current time.)


LEAST(x, ...) and GREATEST(x, ...) accept one or more numeric arguments and yields the smallest (largest) of their arguments. If none of the arguments are numbers, MISSING is returned.


The expression WIDTH_BUCKET(num, lo, hi, count) takes the number num and assigns it to one of count (integer) buckets in an equidepth histogram along the range from the numbers lo to hi. The behavior is intended to match the width_bucket() function from Postgres.

A typical use of WIDTH_BUCKET is to produce a bucket value for use in a GROUP BY clause.

See Postgres Math Functions


The expression TIME_BUCKET(time, interval) takes the timestamp time and assigns it a bucket based on the integer interval, which specifies a bucket width in seconds. The returned bucket is an integer representing the seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch for the associated bucket.

The expression TIME_BUCKET(time, interval) is mathematically equivalent to TO_UNIX_EPOCH(time) - (TO_UNIX_EPOCH(time) % interval).

A typical use of TIME_BUCKET is to produce a bucket value for use in a GROUP BY clause.


TO_UNIX_EPOCH(expr) converts a timestamp value into a signed integer representing the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, or MISSING if expr is not a timestamp.


TO_UNIX_MICRO(expr) converts a timestamp value into a signed integer representing the number of microseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, or MISSING if expr is not a timestamp.


The TRIM function has two forms. The single-argument form TRIM(str) yields a substring of str with leading and trailing spaces removed.

Known limitations: only ASCII white-space characters are considered: ’ ‘, ‘\t’, ‘\r’, ‘\n’, ‘\v’, and ‘\f’. Other non-ASCII white-spaces such as U+0085 (next line) are not considered.

The two-argument form TRIM(str, cutset) yields a substring of str with characters in the string cutset removed from the leading and trailing characters in str.

The LTRIM and RTRIM variants of the TRIM function trim only from the left- or right-hand-side of the input string, respectively. Both LTRIM and RTRIM support the single- and two-argument forms of TRIM.

There is also support for more verbose TRIM syntax available in other SQL engines:

  • TRIM(cutset FROM str) or TRIM(BOTH cutset FROM str) are both equivalent to TRIM(str, cutset);
  • TRIM(LEADING cutset FROM str) is equivalent to LTRIM(str, cutset);
  • TRIM(TRAILING cutset FROM str) is equivalent to RTRIM(str, cutset).

Known limitations: the cutset string must be a constant string of four or fewer ASCII characters.


-- one-argument form
TRIM(' xyz ') -> 'xyz'
RTRIM(' xyz ') -> ' xyz'
LTRIM(' xyz ') -> 'xyz '

-- two-argument form
TRIM('\r\nline\r\n', '\r\n') -> 'line'
RTRIM('\r\nline\r\n', '\r\n') -> '\r\nline'
LTRIM('\r\nline\r\n', '\r\n') -> 'line\r\n'


SIZE(expr) returns one of the following:

  • If expr is a list, the length of that list as an integer
  • If expr is a struct, the number of fields in that struct as an integer
  • Otherwise, MISSING


ARRAY_SIZE(list) returns the length of the list as an integer or MISSING if the list expression doesn’t evaluate to a list.


ARRAY_CONTAINS(list, element) returns whether the element is in list or MISSING if the element is MISSING, is not in list or list is not a list.

Compatibility notice: ARRAY_CONTAINS() can be used to match NULL values, for example ARRAY_CONTAINS([1, 2, NULL], NULL) would yield TRUE. MISSING values cannot be matched nor stored in arrays.


ARRAY_POSITION(list, element) returns the position of an element in list or MISSING if the element is MISSING, is not in list or list is not a list.

The position returned is indexed from 1 and the returned position is always the first occurrence of the element in the list.

Compatibility notice: ARRAY_POSITION() can be used to match NULL values, for example ARRAY_POSITION([1, 2, NULL], NULL) would yield 3. MISSING values cannot be matched nor stored in lists.


ARRAY_SUM(list) returns the sum of all numeric values of the list or MISSING if list doesn’t evaluate to a list. Empty lists return sum of 0.

Please note that the current implementation of ARRAY_SUM() function first converts all values to 64-bit floats and then performs the sum. Large integers not representable as 64-bit floats will be rounded to even, and all additions will be rounded as well.


INNER_PRODUCT(a, b) returns inner product of two vectors a and b or MISSING if a or b doesn’t evaluate to a list having only numeric values.


L1_DISTANCE(a, b) returns the L1 (Manhattan) distance between two vectors a and b or MISSING if a or b doesn’t evaluate to a list having only numeric values.


L2_DISTANCE(a, b) returns the L2 (Euclidean) distance between two vectors a and b or MISSING if a or b doesn’t evaluate to a list having only numeric values.


COSINE_DISTANCE(a, b) returns the cosine distance between two vectors a and b or MISSING if a or b doesn’t evaluate to a list having only numeric values.


OCTET_LENGTH(str) returns the length of str in bytes or MISSING if str doesn’t evaluate to a string.


CHAR_LENGTH(str) (or, alternatively, CHARACTER_LENGTH(str)) returns the number of Unicode points in a string as an integer.


-- The word "żółw" (in Polish a turtle) has four code points,
-- its UTF-8 sequence contains seven bytes:
-- 0xC5, 0xBC, 0xC3, 0xB3, 0xC5, 0x82, 0x77.

SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('żółw')  -- yields: 4
SELECT OCTER_LENGTH('żółw') -- yields: 7


LOWER(str) and UPPER(str) changes case of letters from the input string.


SELECT LOWER('SnElLeR') -- returns 'sneller'
SELECT UPPER('SnElLeR') -- returns 'SNELLER'


SUBSTRING extracts a substring from the input string. The function accepts two forms:

  1. SUBSTRING(str, start, length) - substring is described with the starting position (counted from 1) and length.

  2. SUBSTRING(str, start) - substring is denoted with the starting position and spans to the string’s end.

If start is negative or is larger than the length of str, then the result is an empty string.

If start + length is larger than the length of str, then the output is trimmed to the length of str. Likewise, when length is zero or negative.


SELECT SUBSTRING('kitten', 1)      -- returns 'kitten'
SELECT SUBSTRING('kitten', 3)      -- returns 'ten'

SELECT SUBSTRING('kitten', 3, 2)   -- returns 'tt'
SELECT SUBSTRING('kitten', 3, -1)  -- returns 'ten'
SELECT SUBSTRING('kitten', -1, 20) -- returns ''


The expression SPLIT_PART(str, sep, n) computes the nth substring of str by splitting str on sep. The index n is one-indexed.

For example, SPLIT_PART('foo\nbar\n', '\n', 1) evaluates to 'foo', and SPLIT_PART('foo\nbar\n', '\n', 2) evaluates to 'bar'.

If the index n exceeds the number of substrings produced by splitting str on sep, then '' is returned. If n evaluates to an integer less than or equal to zero, then MISSING is returned.

Known limitation: the separator string sep must be a single-character ASCII string constant excluding the NUL ASCII character

See Postgres string functions.


The IS_SUBNET_OF function has two forms; the three-argument form IS_SUBNET_OF(start, end, str) returns a boolean indicating if str is an IPv4 address in dotted notation that fits in the range from start to end, and the two-argument form IS_SUBNET_OF(cidr, str) returns a boolean indicating if str is an IPv4 address that belongs to the subnet cidr in CIDR address notation.


-- three-argument form
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '', '') -> TRUE
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '', '') -> TRUE
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '', '') -> TRUE
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '', '') -> FALSE

-- two-argument form
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '') -> TRUE
IS_SUBNET_OF('', '') -> TRUE

Known limitation: the start and end strings in the three-argument form and the cidr string in the two-argument form must be constant strings.


Fuzzy String Matching using Damerau-Levenshtein distance calculation. The EQUALS_FUZZY function determines whether a data string equals a provided string literal if the data string can be transformed into the string literal with less or equal number of edits. Stated differently, the distance between the data and the string literal is the minimal number of edits, and if the number of edits does not exceed some threshold, the two strings are considered to have a fuzzy match. The Damerau–Levenshtein distance considers insertions, deletions, substitutions of single characters, and transpositions of two adjacent characters.

The unicode variant EQUALS_FUZZY_UNICODE treats strings as UTF8 strings, while the EQUALS_FUZZY treats strings as byte sequences. Substitutions of equal ASCII characters but with different casing have an edit distance of zero, but substitutions of unicode code-points with different casing have an edit distance of one.


-- string literal 'cache' is treated a byte sequence
EQUALS_FUZZY('Cash', 'cache', 1) -> FALSE
EQUALS_FUZZY('Cash', 'cache', 2) -> TRUE
EQUALS_FUZZY('Cash', 'cache', 3) -> TRUE

-- string literal 'Straße' is treated a unicode sequence
EQUALS_FUZZY_UNICODE('strasse', 'Straße', 1) -> FALSE
EQUALS_FUZZY_UNICODE('strasse', 'Straße', 2) -> TRUE

-- string literal 'Straße' is treated a byte sequence
-- (note that `ß` is a 2-byte sequence)
EQUALS_FUZZY('strasse', 'Straße', 1) -> FALSE
EQUALS_FUZZY('strasse', 'Straße', 2) -> TRUE

The calculated edit distance between two strings is an estimation of the true Damerau–Levenshtein distance. A benefit of this estimation is that the EQUALS_FUZZY has a runtime complexity comparable to a case-insensitive string compare; a downside is that some distances are overestimated.

The following pseudocode illustrates how estimations are obtained. Two strings (DATA, NEEDLE) are compared from left to right three bytes (or unicodes) at the time. While comparing, the number of edits is accumulated, and once this number exceed a provided threshold, the function yields false. The first three characters D0, D1, and D2 from DATA, and the first three characters N0, N1, and N2 from NEEDLE are compared in the following fashion. If either data or needle does not have 1, 2 or 3 characters, take surrogate values 0xFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF for the unicode variant.

With increasing complexity, first the 1 character approximation, 2 character and finally 3 character approximation. Note that if the estimation function considers only one character, that is, D0 and N0 the estimation would implement a Manhattan distance function:

Estimate Damerau–Levenshtein distance with one characters lookahead

WHILE (DATA not empty) OR (NEEDLE not empty) DO
    D0 := DATA[0]
    N0 := NEEDLE[0]

    IF (D0==N0) // the first characters match
    THEN editDistance += 0; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1
    ELSE // substitution in all remaining situations:
        editDistance += 1; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1

If the estimation function considers two characters, that is D0, D1, N0 and N1, the estimation allows single insertions, deletions, and transpositions but would still estimate some edit distances wrongly. For example, two consecutive deletions would not be recognized but would be considered two substitutions which may result in a full mismatch of the remaining string.

Estimate Damerau–Levenshtein distance with two characters lookahead

WHILE (DATA not empty) OR (NEEDLE not empty) DO
    D0 := DATA[0]
    N0 := NEEDLE[0]

    IF (D0==N0) // the first characters match
    THEN editDistance += 0; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1
        D1 := DATA[1]
        N1 := NEEDLE[1]

        // character is deleted in data
        IF (D1!=N0) && (D0==N1)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 2

        // character is inserted in data
        IF (D1==N0) && (D0!=N1)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 2; advanceNeedle += 1

        // characters are transposed in data
        IF (D1==N0) && (D0==N1)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 2; advanceNeedle += 2

        // all remaining situations: character is substituted in data
        IF (D1!=N0) && (D0!=N1)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1

Finally, estimation of Damerau–Levenshtein distance in the fuzzy matcher uses three character lookahead.

WHILE (DATA not empty) OR (NEEDLE not empty) DO
    D0 := DATA[0]
    N0 := NEEDLE[0]

    IF (D0==N0) // the first characters match
    THEN editDistance += 0; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1
        D1 := DATA[1]
        D2 := DATA[2]
        N1 := NEEDLE[1]
        N2 := NEEDLE[2]

        // two characters are transposed in data
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N0==D1) && (N1==D0)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 2; advanceNeedle += 2

        // one character is deleted in data
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N0!=D1) && (N1==D0) && (N2==D1)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 2

        // two characters are deleted in data:
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N1!=D1) && (N2!=D2) && (N2==D0) && (N0!=D1) && (N1!=D2) && (N1!=D0) && (N2!=D1) && (N0!=D2)
        THEN editDistance += 2; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 3

        // one character is inserted in data
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N0==D1) && (N1==D2) && (N1!=D0)
        THEN editDistance += 1; advanceData += 2; advanceNeedle += 1

        // two characters are insearted in data
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N1!=D1) && (N2!=D2) && (N2!=D0) && (N0!=D1) && (N1!=D2) && (N1!=D0) && (N2!=D1) && (N0==D2)
        THEN editDistance += 2; advanceData += 3; advanceNeedle += 1

        // transposition and insertion ab -> bca:
        IF (N0!=D0) && (N1!=D1) && (N2!=D2) && (N2!=D0) && (N0!=D1) && (N1!=D2) && (N1==D0) && (N2!=D1) && (N0==D2)
        THEN editDistance += 2;; advanceData += 3; advanceNeedle += 2

        // substitution in all remaining situations:
        ELSE editDistance += 1; advanceData += 1; advanceNeedle += 1

This method calculates either the true Damerau–Levenshtein distance or the method overestimates. The estimation is the result of a three character horizon: the method cannot look beyond these three characters, and cannot foresee which edit to choose such that the smallest edit distance is found. In the following example the above method chooses a substitution and this would give an edit distance of 6, while a deletion at position 0, 1, and 2 gives a smaller edit distance of 3. A seven character horizon would have been needed to foresee that, in this specific situation, deletions should be preferred over substitutions.

Example of an overestimation of distance 6 while true Damerau–Levenshtein is 3

data:   "aaaaaa"
needle: "bbbaaaaaa"


The CONTAINS_FUZZY function is similar to the EQUALS_FUZZY function. Instead of determining whether a string equals a provided string literal with less (or equal) number of edits, CONTAINS_FUZZY determines whether a string contains a provided string literal with less (or equal) number of edits. The complexity is comparable to a case-insensitive string contains function.

CONTAINS_FUZZY('The quick brown foks jums over the lazy dog', 'Fox Jumps', 3) -> TRUE


CAST allows to convert an arbitrary expression into equivalent expression of given type. The syntax is

CAST(expr AS type)

Known types are:

  • MISSING (forcibly removes a column from the result),
  • NULL,
  • FLOAT,
  • LIST,

The only implemented conversions are:


Any other conversions yield MISSING.


The TYPE_BIT function produces an integer that represents the JSON type of its argument. Each bit in the resulting integer is reserved for one specific type, which allows the results of TYPE_BIT to be aggregated together with BIT_OR to produce a bitmask representing all the possible types of a value. TYPE_BIT produces 0 if its argument is MISSING.

The return values for TYPE_BIT are as follows:

  • 0 : Missing
  • 1 : Null
  • 2 : Boolean
  • 4 : Number
  • 8 : Timestamp
  • 16 : String
  • 32 : List
  • 64 : Struct


TABLE_GLOB(path) and TABLE_PATTERN(path) can be used in the FROM position of a SELECT statement to execute a query across multiple tables with names matching the given shell pattern or regular expression respectively.

Path segments used as patterns will generally need to be enclosed in double-quotes to avoid special characters causing syntax errors, for example:

SELECT * FROM TABLE_GLOB("table[0-9][0-9]")
SELECT * FROM TABLE_PATTERN("(access|error)_logs")

TABLE_GLOB and TABLE_PATTERN can be used to search within a particular database by including the database name as the first segment of the path argument, for example:

-- searching within a database named "db"

Note: TABLE_GLOB and TABLE_PATTERN cannot be used to match the database portion of the path, only the table name.

Querying multiple tables at once (’++’ operator)

The operator ++ (double plus) allows to concatenate multiple sources into one. The operator is shorthand for UNION ALL; it allows to skip the common filter expression, selected columns, etc.

For example the following query will return results from three tables:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 ++ t2 ++ t3 WHERE location = 'Helsinki'